VNT Management Ltd has established a new venture capital fund, Power Fund II, which focuses on new energy technology investments. Finnish Industry Investment Ltd, Varma Mutual Pension Insurance Company, Etera Mutual Pension Insurance Company, Mutual Insurance Company Pension Fennia, Veritas Pension Insurance Company and private investors made investments in the fund totalling EUR 47 million.
The new fund invests in both early-stage and growth-stage companies mainly in Finland and selectively in Europe. The fund concentrates on cleantech energy technologies including distributed energy production and waste recycling.
Price trends in energy and raw materials combined with todays environmental legislation have made technologies that conserve energy and natural resources more competitive, says Jarmo Saaranen, VNT Management Ltds Managing Director.
Clean technology comprises all products, services, processes and systems with lower environmental impact than other options.
More information:
– Managing Director Jarmo Saaranen, VNT Management Oy
mobile +358 40 8371 559, jarmo.saaranen (at)
– Director Mika Räsänen, Finnish Industry Investment Ltd
mobile +358 50 352 9984, mika.rasanen (at)