Expert sparring improves business – apply to Kasvupolku

Kasvu Open’s Kasvupolku is a sparring program that helps SMEs with their business, solves development challenges, and boosts networking.

“Getting a top-notch outside view is like a gift that helps not only me as an entrepreneur but us as a company forward. When you get to expand your know-how in a program such as this, you won’t get stuck in any stage of development”, tells Niina Suuriniemi Hopper from Eva Global.

The application period is 14.2.-21.3.2023.

Kasvupolku® is a regional or industry-specific program that includes three events and digital working. The participating companies get valuable contacts and meetings with seasoned experts that push them to think out of the box. The programs are free of charge.

Read more and apply:

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