Heini Noronen appointed Investment Manager of Finnish Industry Investment Ltd

Heini Noronen, MSc, has been appointed Investment Manager of Finnish Industry Investment Ltd with effect from 1st December. She will be handling initial investments in companies and related investments in funds.

Heini Noronen moved to Finnish Industry Investment Ltd from Culminatum Ltd Oy, where she was responsible for the Uusimaa Centre of Expertise programme. Ms Noronen has previously worked for the European Commission, Accenture, and the Finnish National Fund for Research and Development (SITRA) where she was Director, Funding, and responsible for seeding investments.

Finnish Industry Investment Ltd
(FII) is a government-owned investment company administered by the Ministry of Trade and Industry. Founded in 1995, the company invests the proceeds accrued from the privatization of state-owned companies in promoting the growth and internationalization of Finnish businesses. FII is Finland's leading provider of seed financing. FII's investments and investment commitments amount to some EUR 300 million.

Further information:

Henri Grundstén, Director, Finnish Industry Investment Ltd,
tel. +358-9-6803 6822, mobile +358-50-431 0840
e-mail: henri.grundsten@industryinvestment.com

Heini Noronen, Investment Manager (as from 1 December)
tel.+358-9-6803 6834, mobile +358-400-611 563
e-mail: heini.noronen@teollisuussijoitus.fi