Industry Investment and private investors invest over EUR 1 million in a spring water company

Government-owned investment company Finnish Industry Investment has co-invested, with a group of private investors, EUR 1.3 million in Finnish Water Group Ltd, a company based in Southern Finland. Finnish Water Group Ltd has a productive spring of premium quality located in Asikkala, Finland, some 25 kilometres north of Lahti. The company’s most prominent brands are Polar Spring and Kivistön Lähdevesi, in addition to which spring water is also sold under the private labels of large and small customers throughout the world.

Further information:

Jarkko Haukijärvi, Managing Director, Finnish Water Group Ltd, mobile +358 44 583 3410,
jarkkoh (at)


Niilo Pellonmaa, Board Member, Finnish Water Group Ltd,
mobile +358 500 211 902, niilo.pellonmaa (at)


Henri Grundstén, Director, Finnish Industry Investment Ltd,
tel. +358 50 431 0840, henri.grundsten (at)