Industry Investment invests in mobile TV developer Axel Technologies

Axel Technologies Oy, a developer of mobile TV technology, has received over EUR 1 million in venture capital from Nexit Ventures Oy and previous investor Finnish Industry Investment Ltd. Axel Technologies has earlier received financing for its product development from a number of private investors and the Finnish Funding Agency for Technology and Innovation Tekes.


The investment enables Axel Technologies to increase its personnel and strengthen the delivery capability, sales and marketing needed for international growth.

Further information:


Petri Kalske, CEO, Axel Technologies Oy,
tel. +358 400 638 880, petri.kalske(at)


Pekka Salonoja, Partner, Nexit Ventures Oy,
tel. +358 9 6818 910 and 040 836 9034, pekka.salonoja(at)


Henri Grundstén, Director, Finnish Industry Investment Ltd,
tel. +358 50 431 0840, henri.grundsten(at)