Jan Sasse appointed Finnish Industry Investment’s new President & CEO

Jan Sasse has headed Finnish Industry Investment’s Growth Investments team since 2015, with responsibility for direct investments in growth companies. He has long international management experience in both investment and consulting fields in companies such as Accenture, Norvestia and Satama Interactive. Jan has also gained experience working on the boards of companies undergoing international growth and in the healthcare sector, in companies including Coronaria Hoitoketju, Stella Homecare, Idean Enterprises and Yellow Film & TV. Jan Sasse holds a MSc (Econ) from Helsinki School of Economics.

“The company’s Board of Directors is pleased to appoint Jan Sasse, with his solid and diversified business experience, as the company’s next President & CEO. Jan has extremely broad international experience ranging from private equity to complex corporate restructuring,” comments Esa Lager, Finnish Industry Investment’s Board Chairman. “Martin Backman has been President & CEO of Finnish Industry Investment since 2014. During that time he developed a firm grasp of the company’s operations and produced good results. Jan Sasse is an excellent choice for leading the company onwards to further success.”

 “I’m delighted at being appointed President & CEO of Finnish Industry Investment. The company plays a central role both in financing growth companies in Finland, and in promoting the international expansion of Finnish companies. It will be rewarding to continue with Finnish Industry Investment’s skilled personnel along our chosen development path. We will keep up our good work as a financer of Finnish businesses and an active player in the venture capital & private equity industry,” says Jan Sasse.

For further information, please contact:

Esa Lager, Board Chairman, Tel: + 358 40 506 5929

Jan Sasse, President & CEO as of 6 March 2017, Tel: +358 40 861 9151