Juha Lehtola appointed Investment Manager at Industry Investment


Juha Lehtola, MSc (Tech), has started as Investment Manager at government-owned investment company Finnish Industry Investment Ltd. Mr Lehtola’s duties in the Direct Investments Team include assessing growth companies as potential investments and preparing investment decisions.


Before moving to Industry Investment Mr Lehtola was an investment director in the Danish private equity firm Nordic Venture Partners and an investment manager in the Finnish company Aura Capital Oy.


“The financing market for growth companies is going through an extremely interesting phase, as the general economic downturn has presented companies with both new challenges and new opportunities for growth. Now is the right time to invest in promising growth companies,” Lehtola says.


Juha Lehtola, who lives in Espoo, spends his leisure time with his wife and two children and enjoys orienteering, tennis, travel and cooking.


More information:


Henri Grundstén, Director, Team Leader, Direct Investments,
Finnish Industry Investment Ltd,
tel. +358 50 431 0840, henri.grundsten (at) industryinvestment.com


Juha Lehtola, Investment Manager, Finnish Industry Investment Ltd,
tel. +358 400 647 671, juha.lehtola (at) industryinvestment.com