New forces to boost SuperPark’s growth – Sentica and Tesi acquire SuperPark

SuperPark has seven proprietary and five licensed indoor activity parks in Finland. SuperPark Hong Kong, which opened in December 2017, was the company’s first step into the international market, a step which will now be accelerated by the change of ownership.

“We have been preparing for strong growth and internationalisation by developing the concept, business model and digital solutions. Being on the brink of a leap in growth, it’s great to be joined by investors who can provide us with financial resources and support for scaling the business quickly,” says Juha Tanskanen, CEO of SuperPark Oy.

SuperPark’s goal is to open a hundred parks by the end of 2023.

“We will build 6-8 new SuperParks in China, Asia and Europe this year. Growth in other countries is sought in line with our strategy, while operations in Finland will be streamlined through licensing,” says Tanskanen.

The new main shareholder is the Finnish equity investment company Sentica, which manages funds of approximately EUR 480 million.

“SuperPark and its strong owner-entrepreneurs have created a unique indoor activity concept and a brand that has managed to gain a strong position in Finland in just a few years. The park in Hong Kong has been a huge success and proof of the overseas interest in the concept. With our investment, we want to support the company’s growth in new markets and create a new Finnish success story,” says Sentica’s partner, Aitor de la Torre.

In Tanskanen’s opinion, Tesi’s involvement brings credibility especially in Asia and will help the company achieve the desired growth rate.

“There are very few strong Finnish service companies and brands targeted to consumers that have achieved any significant international success. SuperPark’s indoor activity park concept has great potential to become a global success story whilst encouraging children and young people in big cities to experience the joy of exercising, playing and learning tricks,” says Tesi’s Investment Director Juuso Puolanne.


More information:

SuperPark Oy
Juha Tanskanen, CEO
+358 400 415 563,

Sentica Partners
Aitor de la Torre, partner
+ 358 40 830 7503,

Juuso Puolanne, Investment Director
+358 50 570 0235,

Images for media:

SuperPark indoor activity parks are unique venues for children and adults to get active and fit together. SuperPark Oy, established in Vuokatti in 2012, owns and operates indoor activity parks in Jyväskylä, Oulu, Turku, Tampere, Espoo, Vantaa and Vuokatti. The parks operating with a licence are SuperCorner Pitkälahti (Kuopio), SuperPark Joensuu, SuperCorner Mikkeli, SuperPark Sveitsi (Hyvinkää) and SuperCorner Tahko as well as SuperCorner Kalajoki, which will open in summer 2018. SuperPark Hong Kong, which opened in December 2017, is the company’s first overseas park. SuperPark will open several new parks in China, Asia and Europe in 2018. The company’s turnover in 2017 was approximately EUR 14 million and it employs about 50 people. For more information, please visit: &

Sentica Partners Oy is an independent private equity company focusing on investing in and developing SMEs of Finnish origin. Sentica manages a total of approximately EUR 480 million in capital commitments from leading Finnish institutional investors and the high-quality European funds.

Tesi (Finnish Industry Investment Ltd is a venture capital and private equity company that accelerates companies’ success stories by investing in them directly and via funds. Tesi always invests together with other investors, providing them with access to high quality deal-flow in Finland. Our investments under management total €1.2 billion and we have altogether 700 companies in portfolio. Follow our success stories at / @TesiFII