Short and Dynamic – our new name is Tesi

The new name describes our way of working – seeking solutions actively and boldly, and creating results together with an open mind.
Watch our video to get into the spirit!

As part of the rebranding, you can find our website at and email us at Our phone numbers will remain the same.

At the same time, we have moved offices and you will now find us at Porkkalankatu 1, Helsinki, Finland.

Dare to Grow

Please note that we will continue to use the official name Suomen Teollisuussijoitus Oy / Finnish Industry Investment Ltd in contract documentation. Our billing information will remain the same.

Tesi is a venture capital and private equity company that accelerates companies’ success stories by investing in them directly and via funds. We always invest together with other investors, providing them with access to high quality deal flow in Finland. We have 1 billion euros in assets under management and altogether 660 companies in portfolio. @TesiFII