Tapio Passinen appointed as Investment Director

Tapio Passinen has been appointed as Investment Director at Finnish Industry Investment’s fund investment team as of 4 November, 2013. His work includes making investments in Finnish and international venture capital and buyout funds.

Passinen joins Finnish Industry Investment from the Ministry of Finance’s Financial Markets Department where he has worked as a Special Advisor. He has broad experience in the venture capital and private equity sector from Pohjola Private Equity Funds Oy and Keva.

”The Finnish venture capital and private equity sector is evolving, it is becoming more international and new players are entering the market. It is very positive that international investors are investing in Finnish buyout funds. It would be great to see more international investors also on the venture capital side,” Tapio Passinen says. “The structural change in the Finnish economy is happening fast. Finnish Industry Investment’s role in developing the risk capital market in Finland is more important than ever.”

For further information, please contact:

Tapio Passinen, Investment Director, Finnish Industry Investment Ltd
Email: tapio.passinen@industryinvestment.com, Tel: +358 40 840 3681

Finnish Industry Investment Ltd is a government-owned investment company that promotes Finnish business, employment and economic growth through venture capital and private equity investments. Finnish Industry Investment invests in companies both directly and through private equity funds, together with and on the same terms as private investors. The investments of Finnish Industry Investment amount to 720 million euros. The company is currently an investor, directly and through funds, in altogether 510 companies that together employ some 50,000 people. For more information, please visit www.industryinvestment.com, and follow @TesiFII.