Team Finland becomes a Slush partner

Team Finland and Slush, one of the world’s leading startup and technology events, are building even closer ties. Team Finland is supporting the strong growth in this year’s event and contributing EUR 610,000 to offset conference arrangement costs. Slush is one of Team Finland’s key projects. The goal is to boost investment in Finnish businesses and make Finland the most attractive location in the world for growth companies.

Team Finland has its own stand in the Slush Conference, where it will present the internationalisation services it offers companies and the opportunities for investing in Finland. Participants at the stand include Finnvera, Finpro, the Finnish Patent and Registration Office (PRH), Tekes (the Finnish Funding Agency for Innovation), Finnish Industry Investment, the Ministry of Employment and the Economy, and the Ministry for Foreign Affairs.

Finnish Industry Investment’s Director Henri Grundstén regards Slush as an unparalleled startup and business growth phenomenon, the likes of which have never before been seen in Finland.

“Slush attracts to Helsinki a record number of international venture capital investors, who are constantly seeking new investment opportunities. Slush offers them a magnificent array of the most attractive startups and growth companies in Finland and from around the world. There’s no need to travel to Silicon Valley to meet the world’s leading venture capitalists – Slush brings them here!”

The Slush Conference 2014 being held at the Helsinki Exhibition and Convention Centre on 18th and 19th November is an annual two-day technology and startup event. It brings the most promising companies from Northern Europe, Russia and beyond to Helsinki to meet with top-tier investors and media from all around the world. The Slush event is organised by Startup Sauna, which is owned by the Startup Sauna Foundation. Some 10,000 visitors are expected to attend the Slush Conference this year. Last year Slush attracted around 7,000 visitors from 68 countries. Present at the event were 1,200 growth companies, 118 international venture capital funds and 350 media representatives.

Team Finland brings together all Finland’s publicly-funded services and organisations that support the internationalisation and growth of Finnish enterprises. The network offers information about opportunities in different markets, advice on the different phases of internationalisation, financing, and support in creating networks, forging social contacts and promoting visibility.

Team Finland’s stand is located in Hall 4 at the conference.

For more information, please contact:

Mari-Kaisa Brander, Head of Communications, Team Finland,
Prime Minister’s Office,
Tel. +358 40 131 3388, mari-kaisa.brander (at)

Henri Grundstén, Director, Finnish Industry Investment Ltd,
Tel. +358 50 431 0840, henri.grundsten (at)

Finnish Industry Investment (FII) is part of the Team Finland network. Industry Investment invests in Finnish companies in their growth and internationalisation stages. FII attracts foreign capital into Finland by investing in international venture capital and private equity funds and by co-investing in Finnish companies together with international investors. FII is a local partner for international investors in Finland.