Fundraising process

We invest in venture capital and private equity funds that develop Finland’s most promising companies, from startups to scaleups.
While our fund investment activities will become more selective under our new strategy – focusing more on existing market gaps and adapting to market changes – no fund types will be categorically excluded. As a general guideline, half of our investments will be fund investments and the other direct investments, but the allocation may vary depending on market conditions.
Getting to know each other
Is everything crystal clear or do you need a sparring partner? In the first meetings, we map out the fund’s investment strategy and get to know the investment team.
We discuss:
- the market opportunities of the investment strategy,
- potential deal flow,
- the level of team’s expertise,
- as well as the plan for fund-raising.
If this is your team’s first fund, we are happy to be your sparring partner. Based on initial discussions, your team can develop its proposal and evaluate its own skills.
Remember that fund-raising always requires several co-investors.
For each fund, we also consider the fit for KRR funds-of-funds.
Due Diligence
Because we want to get an overview of your fund, we focus on at least the following areas:
- Team professionalism, dedication and diversity
- Fund’s investment strategy and focus
- Track record or other previous experience
- Impact on the ecosystem
- Responsible investment policies
- Preliminary terms of the fund
After a positive investment decision, we start to negotiate terms and conditions. Due to the long duration of the investment relationship, the long-term interests of all parties should be taken into account. Some things to consider:
- Tesi and KRR funds-of-funds always invest on the same terms as other investors.
- We invest together with private investors (e.g., institutional investors and family-owned companies). During negotiations, we also strive to establish principles that allow small investors to enter the venture capital and private equity market.
- All our fund investments are made on market terms.
- We seek a return from all investments.
Successful negotiations lead to a commitment by Tesi and/or by KRR funds-of-funds.
Term of the fund
The team starts to invest, develop its portfolio companies and create value.
Tesi’s dedicated experts will be available throughout the term. It’s important for the investment team to keep all investors in its fund informed of the development of investment activities. This will help especially if you’re planning to raise a new fund in the future.
End of the fund's term
Tesi and KRR funds-of-funds only invest in fixed-term limited partnership or similar fund structures.
By the end of the term, the fund must have exited all of its portfolio companies. The fund will then be dissolved.