Hanne Stenman appointed the General Counsel of Tesi and a member of the Management Team

LL.M. Hanne Stenman has been appointed the General Counsel of Tesi (Finnish Industry Investment Ltd), a member of the Management Team and the Secretary of Tesi’s Board of Directors as of 19 April 2023. She will report to the CEO Pia Santavirta.

Hanne will head Tesi’s Legal & Compliance team, wherein she has worked for the past three years supporting the investment teams in legal matters.

I’m excited to have been offered the position of General Counsel and I am eager to collaborate with the  talented professionals at Tesi. Given my background in transactions and corporate law, I believe it serves as a valuable foundation for this role. I’m grateful for all the support and the confidence I have received,” comments Hanne Stenman.

I have received lots of superb feedback about Hanne’s contributions for Tesi. That is why I’m delighted that we can appoint a new member of Management Team from within the house when an opportunity to do so arose. I congratulate Hanne for her new role, and I’m excited to continue working with her in the ever-interesting world of venture capital and private equity,” comments Pia Santavirta.


Additional information:

Pia Santavirta, CEO, Tesi 
+358 40546 7749 

Hanne Stenman, General Counsel, Tesi
+358 50 375 2871
Photo of Hanne


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