A new EUR 60 million fund by Saari Partners, focus on service companies

The new fund, Saari II, will make majority investments in service SMEs operating in traditional sectors. With special knowhow in branding and digitalisation, Saari Partners strives making its portfolio companies the frontrunners in their sectors.

Investors in Saari II include European Investment Fund (EIF), Nordea Life Assurance Finland Ltd, Elo Mutual Pension Insurance Company, Konstsamfundet, Tesi and the KRR fund-of-fund it manages, in addition to small investors. The fundraising continues in 2023.

”Saari Partners invests in growing Finnish small companies focusing on the service sector. It has gotten a good start, and their first exit shows that their investment strategy is showing results. Saari has excellent know-how in digitalization and branding, and this is transferred to their portfolio companies”, comments Tapio Passinen, Investment Director on Tesi’s Investment Funds team.

Both Tesi and KRR also invested in the first fund by Saari Partners.


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Additional information:

Tapio Passinen, Investment Director, Fund Investments
+358 40 840 3681


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