Tesi’s autumn 2022 trainees

Our trainees for autumn 2022, from left to right: Milja Mieskolainen, Tresor Banzuzi, Jaakko Ikonen and Erik Holmberg

Four new trainees will be joining Tesi this August. Milja Mieskolainen and Tresor Banzuzi will start in the Direct investment teams on August 8th and Jaakko Ikonen in the Fund investments teams on August 15th. Erik Holmberg will join Tesi’s Development team on August 15th as well.

Milja is pursuing a master’s degree in Accounting at Aalto University School of Business. Previously, Milja has worked in finance in both the private and public sectors.

Tresor is about to complete his master’s degree in Industrial Engineering at Aalto University School of Science. Before joining Tesi, Tresor has gained work experience in the industrial sector.

Fund investment team’s new trainee Jaakko studies Economics at Stockholm School of Economics and has completed his bachelor’s degree at the University of Warwick in the United Kingdom. Alongside his studies, Jaakko has worked in consulting and banking.

Erik is currently finishing his bachelor’s studies at Hanken School of Economics, majoring in Finance. Erik has previous work experience in both finance and marketing.

Welcome aboard Milja, Tresor, Jaakko and Erik!


Tesi (Finnish Industry Investment Ltd) is a state-owned investment company that wants to raise Finland to the front ranks of transformative economic growth by investing in funds and directly in companies. We invest profitably and responsibly, together with co-investors, to create the world’s new success stories. Our investments under management total 2.4 billion euros. www.tesi.fi | @TesiFII